The date turned into an all day thing on a Saturday. Earlier in the week J'son said he had something planned before dinner and it was a surprise. :) It turned out to be a picnic. but of course mother nature didn't cooperate so we had the picnic in his living room. he had it planned where we would feed the ducks and possibly go fishing. So he had the popcorn and sweedish fish set out. :) while we were eating we watched the movie "Lady and the Tramp".
After the picnic, I ran home and had a friend help me do my hair. Then i got in church clothes and ran back to his house. He came out to the car and excorted me into their living room where there was a dinner table set up. We had a"Lady and the Tramp" dinner with spaghetti. The setting was complete with music. for dessert, we had extra chocolate brownies with marshmellows in them. ( that was really cool because whenever we have something chocolate or sticky we make a mess. we've had a chocolate fight with brownie mix and chocolate chips. then a week earlier than the prom we had smores and had a marshmellow fight :) )
After the dinner I ran home AGAIN to get into my dress and finish getting ready. I had 20 minutes before they had to come pick me up to go get pictures. when we were ready to go, we walked out the door, but of course it was so windy that my dress got caught on the bush on the way out to the car. at least it wasn't a shoe :)
After pictures, we couldn't decide what to do, so we went to his grandma's house and visited for a while. Then we went to the dance and met up with our group. that was really fun, but it was pretty hot and crowded. The dance was at the provo courthouse... very pretty :) we left the dance early and got Jamba Juice (which i miss a lot after moving) then, we went to his other grandma's house to visit before heading home.